
THE PURSUIT OF COOL: Moving Toward Release

Here’s what I have been up to lately. My focus has been on various tasks related to release of my novel, The Pursuit of Cool, and getting ready for The Launch.

First, I had the great fortune to find graphic artist and book cover designer Lee Libro. I described an initial concept to her and she used her considerable creative skills to come up with a cover I am excited about. Lee uses a “team approach” to designing covers which welcomes client input. I recommend her as versatile, talented, and highly professional. As an artist myself, I am particular about visuals and the cover is everything I hoped it would be. I will be releasing the cover closer to my launch date. To release it now might produce an unbearable desire to read. I won’t torture you that way.

I finished approving the final copy edits on my 420 page manuscript. Really glad I hired a pro because I had no idea how many tiny things needed cleaning up. My copy editor, Marcia Trahan, is another person I must recommend. She is meticulous and highly professional, as well as a good editor-in-general.

I am doing more stuff on Photoshop, which might be my favorite app. Some of it is related to launching my novel, and some of it is TMiK art. TMiK Press now has an official logo, also thanks to Lee Libro.

As far as the The Replacements lyrics I was hoping to include in Part III, chapter 15 of my novel, I have made no progress with Paul Westerberg’s manager, nor his publishing company in getting a copyright license to include lyrics from the song “Sixteen Blue.” Where are you Paul Westerberg? Do you not hear my anguished cries? Do you not realize how I worshipped your music and how the youthful angst in your music so perfectly matches the angst of the novel’s protagonist, Lance Rally? Unless there is an 11th hour reprieve (maybe if we all believe with all our might…), you will only be able to read the lyrics here:

Drive yourself right up the wall

no one hears and no one calls

it’s a boring state

it’s a useless wait, I know

It has been on my to do list forever, and I have finally joined the Independent Author Network (#IAN1). I know some of you guys at IAN and I look forward to getting to know everyone else. I look forward to spreading the Indie spirit. I noticed the USA Today report that of the 150 top selling authors of 2011, 15 were indie writers. This will only increase as the indie/ebook revolution grows and matures. The rising tide lifts all boats!

My launch will offer ebook and paperpack versions of The Pursuit of Cool (can’t wait until you see the full spread cover of the paperback edition!) I am in the process of getting PDF’s to my print publisher. Then I will send paperback Advanced Review Copies to reviewers and select readers. Reviewers and bloggers are welcome to contact me if you are interested in The Pursuit of Cool. I must give them some time to read, so launch will probably be next month. More then…



By robbskidmore

Robb Skidmore writes upmarket literary fiction. He is the author of “The Pursuit of Cool”, a critically acclaimed coming-of-age novel about love, music, and the 80s, and the novella “The Surfer.” His short stories have appeared in many publications.

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